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Friday 31 July 2015

Ayurvedic Remedies are very effective in Hepatitis

Ayurvedic Remedies are very effective in Hepatitis 

Hepatitis is considered the second stage of Jaundice. If it is not cured in time this can cause kidney problems, Liver cirrhosis and water retention in the stomach - 

Ayurvedic Powder - Take 50 gms each of spreading Hog – Weed (punarnava root), cape gooseberry (makoy), rohareda bark, Kalmegh Panchang (arjun/Kirate bark) and chirayata (swertia) and add 25 gms of kutki (Picrorrhiza kurrora) to it and make a powder mixing everything well. Take one or two teaspoons every eight hours with normal water for adults. For children this dosage can be reduced to half teaspoon. Taking it regularly for a month will provide results. 

Aloe Vera Juice – Take around 200 ml of Aloe Vera juice per day for beneficial results.

These are also beneficial - Consumption of coconut water, bottle gourd (lauki), apple, & sugar cane juice about 2 to 3 times a day is very effective.

Please remember – Abstinence of certain food and drinks when taking medicines in these ailments is very necessary for the medicines to work properly.

Avoid these - Urad (black dal), hing, mustard oil (sarso ka tel), and ghee, high amounts of spices, junk food, and drug or alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

Paranoia is a disease of Suspicion

What Is Paranoia

The disease of suspicion Paranoia is the extreme stage of having no trust in anyone. Normal suspicion is not Paranoia and this disease can be for a temporary period too. Under such cases, the person suffering from temporary or transient Paranoia can live normally in society, but when the extreme stage is dominant then it can lead to disastrous aftermaths including suicide. However, this is curable under correct guidance. 

Extremely Sensitive

People suffering from it get annoyed at little things. Even if they are in the wrong, they cannot admit to their mistakes. Stubbornness and not being able to reconcile are their traits.

Personality Disorder

Some people are unnecessarily suspicious of everyone. This creates problems for them in their work and society. People having such disorder are termed paranoiac. Extreme stress is also a cause of paranoia. Refugees, people serving jail time and others can have such symptoms. Genetic make, mental instability, and an inability to store information can lead to paranoia.


The Suspicious nature of the patient creates problems in the treatment. To cure properly, the doctor needs to know about the patient’s history. The correct dosage of medicine is helpful in curing paranoia temporarily. Even after partial cure, some symptoms remain with the individual.


Therapy, medicines, and combined effort of family support can decrease the dangers of paranoia.

By Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Psychologist, Tulsi Health Care, Delhi.- Shared with RPatrika

Jaipur’s Obstetrics & Gynecology society Initiative

Doctor’s for Daughters Program

The Doctors are all set to help Girl Child under Doctor’s for Daughter Initiative

Following the example of Doctor’s of Bikaner, the Jaipur’s Obstetrics & Gynecology society has presented Doctor’s for Daughters Program initiative to the state government. Under this program, the doctor’s would work for the betterment of the helpless girl child. Save the Girl child’s head, Dr Suman Mittal presented this initiative at the recent meeting of the society.

Doctor’s for Daughters Program
Doctor’s for Daughters Program

It was decided in the meeting that any doctor or radiologist from the Indian Medical Association and Indian radiology and imaging association and FOGSI (The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India) will not prescribe detection of fetus sex on any prescription and this will come under criminal offense. In addition, every prescription would have printed or written information regarding complaints against this matter on the phone number 104 as a toll free number.

Another decision of displaying information on the billboards regarding increase and decrease in Boy/girl child ratio is made mandatory for every Village Panchayats, Head offices, Main road circles, etc. This will provide information to villagers and city people and aware them regarding the exact picture of the current gender ratio.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

hepatitis c treatment and medicine

Hepatitis c treatment and medicine

hepatitis c treatment and medicine
hepatitis c treatment and medicine

hepatitis c treatment and medicine

Junk food is harmful for lungs, kidney, liver and heart

Dr Nagendra Neeraj (Naturopathy) gives tips to Bhaskar Women Club for healthy lifestyle

According to Dr Nagendra, Junk food is harmful for lungs, kidney, liver and heart.

Nowadays 90% of diseases are arising due to extreme lifestyle changes. On top of it, eating junk food like pizzas, burgers, pastas, and cold drinks does not prove beneficial. Even if these foods are tasty, still the over consumption of such food items is increasing obesity in people. Junk food is causing lungs, kidney, liver, and heart problems in people. 

Dr Nagendra Neeraj, head of Patanjali Yoga gram “I meet patients of kidney problems daily with an alarming number of around 15 patients every day.”

He adds further about naturopathy that it is a vital part of Indian culture and traditions. People who always maintain a balance between Food habits, behavior, traditions, and customs do not get sick quite often. He started his career with Jaipur’s natural hospital and learnt naturopathy under the guidance of Guru Sukhramdas. He has worked as a lecturer and stated water therapy in 1978, which cured thousands of people.

He has handled the Patanjali Yoga gram since 2009.He has a rich experience of around 40 years in the field of naturopathy. Dr Neeraj was awarded by the ministry of health on his five books on good food habits.

Dr Nagendra Neeraj

Monday 27 July 2015

Successful Surgery of 104 years old woman

Successful Surgery done by Dr Dr Sanjay Gupta to 104 years old woman

When Mateshwari Devi age 104 was admitted to the hospital then it was thought that surgery at such an advance age would be very difficult. She had a fracture in her ball joint and to perform surgery on it meant inviting other ailments to crop up in the body. Also in her earlier tests she was also diagnosed for bronchial asthma. In this scenario there is a chance of organ failure during surgery. Along with it she also had problems of hyper thyroid, kidney and a smaller spinal cord.

But Dr Sanjay Gupta and his team came forward for this and counseled the lady’s family for the same. It was certainly a challenging task as they were all operating on a patient of such an advanced age for the first time. 

They did a mock drill with the team. When they were about to start the surgery the thought in doctors mind was that if everything went all right then the surgery would be completed in an hour but when it was started it was successful completed in half an hour. A gold medalist from Agra medical college Dr Sanjay Gupta has successfully completed more than 500 knee replacement surgery operations in last 14 years. More than 30 of his research papers have been published in national and international journals. Dr Gupta has studied in Guna in MP and Korba and his wife is also a doctor and IVF specialist. 

Dr Sanjay Gupta, Orthopedic Surgeon 

Dr Sanjay Gupta, Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr Sanjay Gupta

Hypertension Patients have higher danger of Coronary Heart Diseases

45% heart ailments related deaths are due to hypertension

According to WHO around 1 crore 70 lakhs deaths occur each year due to cardiovascular diseases which is 1/3 of total death toll in the world. Around 45% of heart diseases are due to hypertension. The BP depends on how much amount of blood the heart pumps and if there is any blockage in the arterial flow of blood. The BP mercury is measured in mmhg and for 20 years and above adults it should be 120/80 normally. Systolic BP is written first as 120 and diastolic is written after it as 80.

Systolic BP – When the heart beats to pump blood.

Diastolic BP – Pressure between two heartbeats. This confirms how strongly and efficiently the artery is controlling the blood flow.

Diagnosis and Symptoms – If the BP reading comes around 140/90 or above or comes different at different times with variations then it is termed as High BP. Most people don’t have any symptoms of high BP. Some people have headaches and vertigo's in the starting stage of high BP. Hypertension is one of the dangers which can lead to coronary artery disease or CAD. It occurs due to fat and wax deposits in arteries. This makes the coronary artery harder and blocked due to non uniformity. Diabetes is also a big cause of heart diseases it affects the arteries badly and makes it narrow. This can lead to high BP and if left untreated can cause damage to blood vessels and cause a stroke. 

Angioplasty is a good treatment for blocked arteriesNowadays new generation Drug eluting stents like resolute integrity is available which can easily navigate in circular and narrow arteries. For diabetes patients the US FDA approved drug eluting stent is the only option.

Question about antibiotics

Diagnosis must be mentioned in Doctor’s Prescription

The doctors need to quote the diagnosis in the medical slip to make it clear that it’s a bacterial infection whenever they prescribe antibiotics to patients. This will curb the effects of antibiotic resistance in the body. There are other factors to be taken care of as follows - 

Question about antibiotics
Question about antibiotics

Dr Chandra M Gulati, Drug Expert

New Ear from the rib cartilage by Dr Parag Telang

Last month Amit Ghosh’s (Banker) car collided with a truck and he lost his left ear in the accident. Dr. Parag Telang of Mumbai has reconstructed it.

Dr. Telang reconstructed the ear with Ghosh’s rib cartilage. The surgery took 6 hours to complete. The ear was connected to the head by a very thin steel wire. Educated in Mumbai Dr. Telang has learned the art of Plastic surgery of ear under the guidance of Dr Frankha Fermin. Ear restructuring is best performed in 3 places in the world viz: California, Japan and France. Frankha is considered the best out of these.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood

According to new research Surgery ray and CT scans costly procedures will lose their monopoly importance

Until now blood tests used to reveal the amount of cholesterol choked up in our arteries or the proper number of vitamins and hormones present in our body. But now, according to a new research all that was just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to gauging medical information hidden in our blood. According to researchers the 5.7 liters of blood flowing in a human body is the perfect source of all medical information and about any ailments or diseases. Each drop of our blood has the blueprint of our present and future medical condition. Doctors would be able to diagnose human plasma’s special compound which is the first one to signal any changes medically in our body.

Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood
Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood

According to the DNA Medicine Institutes’ CEO Dr. Ujeen Chan, “Blood’s data is 10 to 100 times more interesting than genomes. Dr Chan’s institute is working on finding diseases like Alzheimer, cancer, sclerosis etc through a testing procedure from just one drop of blood. According to Chan in near future blood test would be the best source to find out about breast cancer than mammograms and also it would give Alzheimer’s primary symptoms early on. If this present ongoing research is successful, then it would be a big breakthrough in the field of medical science. 

Those medical conditions for which surgery or radiation imaging (ct scan, x-ray etc) is required would be done easily through blood tests. So it would be no surprise of blood related diagnostic tests reach the number of 1744 trillion INR by the year 2018. Brigham and women’s hospital declared in June that they have embarked on the discovery of thousands of viruses through viral infection by blood tests. This also throws light on new avenues for blood decoding cancer research. At present cancer tumor’s discovery procedures are simpler prevalent methods of growth on body or scars etc. But by this procedure in most cases the ailment increases so much at later stages that treatment becomes difficult. The new upcoming blood tests would work as liquid biopsies. The tumor’s active genetic pieces come into the blood stream and these can be developed through photo images for studies. This would help doctors to know of any cancerous growth well before hand and would activate the treatment well in time. Though this is not as easy as it sounds as cancerous cells grow through normal cells only so tumor’s DNA is a hard task to be separated from a normal cell.

Brain hemorrhage cases -Headaches Caes

Brain hemorrhage cases age comes down to 30 years

Headaches are a common ailment nowadays. But the same headache can be fatal too, if converted to unconsciousness and brain stroke. These two symptoms should be investigated urgently. Brain stroke can be hemorrhaged or non hemorrhaged. Headcahes, Hoarse voice and paralysis are primary symptoms of non - hemorrhage. 

Brain hemorrhage cases

This happens due to blockage of blood artery to the head. If the primary symptoms are known then the patient should be admitted to the hospital within three hours. Paralysis occurs when an artery gets blocked and blood flow stops in non hemorrhage cases. It also occurs when there is a sudden headache with lowering of conscious levels. Nowadays brain hemorrhage cases of up to 30 years are seen. Stress and hypertension can cause swelling in the arteries and if the cluster of artery bursts, then it can cause brain hemorrhage. If you get recurrent headaches and painkillers don’t seem to work, then get checked up with a doctor immediately.

Why do headaches occur in old age?

The brain gets shrunk in size in old age that makes a little bit of stumbling into something develop into strong headaches. Unconsciousness along with headaches can also be symptoms of hemorrhage. Our body always alerts us towards any oncoming disease. We should listen and understand these symptoms and not be our own doctors.

Exercises for fitness of Nervous system

Brain tumor is becoming a mainstream problem. Tumors can be cancerous or non cancerous. Tumor cases have been on an increase in children too. But the main reason of cancer has not been found yet. We should take care of our nervous system as it is the processor of our body. If the body is fit, then the nervous system would also be healthy. 

Any exercise, yoga or walk can be taken up regularly for physical fitness, but care should be taken to not get too tired. One should exercise as per our body capacity. As per SR Dhakar, Neurosurgeon retired principal Sms College, “I keep myself busy to remain fit and go for regular walks at the age of 69.”

S R Dhakar, Neurosurgeon retired principal SMS College

Thursday 16 July 2015

Kidney transplant in Jaipur

Kidney transplant in Apex Hospital Jaipur Rajasthan 

 Kidney transplant in Apex Hospital Jaipur

According to Dr Navneet Saxena, MBBS, MD, FIACM ( Kidney and transplant physician), this is first kidney transplant case in Rajasthan as patient age was only 8 years. 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Inbuilt GPS is compulsory to sell Sonography Machines

All sonography machines must have inbuilt GPS in Rajasthan

Inbuilt GPS is compulsory to sell Sonography Machines
Inbuilt GPS is compulsory to sell Sonography Machines 

Heart Transplant or Artificial Pump

Heart Transplant or Artificial Pump-

Now a days heart transplant is very popular but there are many patients with whom transplant is not possible. Doctors can adopt Artificial Pump for those patients, this is also called LVD. Artificial pump can work for 10 or more years but depends on the different conditions. 

Read more about Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) - 

The artificial pump or LVAD or VAD, is a mechanical heart which is placed inside a human chest, where it helps the heart pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

Artificial Pump for heart

Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

Dr K R Balakrishnan, Director, Cardiac science fortis, 
Chief Cardiothoracic & Transplant Surgeon Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai 

Monday 13 July 2015

Animals Hi tech Hospital Jaipur

Now Jaipur pet animals will get hi tech treatment with 24 hours ICU and nursing home facilities.

Dr. Chawla's pet hospital Jaipur
DrChawla's pet hospital

Dr. Chawla's Pet Hospital

C-1, New Colony, Panch Bhatti

MI Road, Jaipur

Phone : 97722 12345

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Roman Saini Doctor, IAS and Entrepreneur

Roman Saini cracked medical exams at sixteen and went on to become a junior resident doctor at AIIMS. At the age of 22, he cracked the civil services entrance exams to become an IAS officer and now he is Officer Trainee at Indian Administrative Service (IAS).

With the same time he is giving back to the community through his entrepreneurial endeavor, which makes UPSC learning available online for free.

Roman Saini


Jaipur Doctors Awards and Rewards

Jaipur Doctors Awards and Rewards

Dr Vijay Sharma knee transplant

Dr. Ashok Panagariya (MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology) FRCP- Neurologist :- 

Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honor by GoI, 2014.
Dr. B.C. Roy Medal for developing super-specialty of Neurology in North-West India, 2013.
UNESCO Award for Contribution to Society, 2009-10.
Honorary Neurologist, Armed Forces of India, nominated by the Defence Ministry of India.
Life Time Achievement Award by Times of India.
Bank of Baroda Sun lifetime Achievement Award 2014 for outstanding contribution in the field of medicine.

Dr Kamal Goyal -Neurologist 
Dr K K Bansal - Neurologist 
Dr Vijay Sharama - Started Knee transplant on International Level 
Dr Jeevan Kankaria, Gen Surgeon