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Thursday 23 July 2015

Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood

According to new research Surgery ray and CT scans costly procedures will lose their monopoly importance

Until now blood tests used to reveal the amount of cholesterol choked up in our arteries or the proper number of vitamins and hormones present in our body. But now, according to a new research all that was just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to gauging medical information hidden in our blood. According to researchers the 5.7 liters of blood flowing in a human body is the perfect source of all medical information and about any ailments or diseases. Each drop of our blood has the blueprint of our present and future medical condition. Doctors would be able to diagnose human plasma’s special compound which is the first one to signal any changes medically in our body.

Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood
Cancer and other diseases would be investigated by just a drop of blood

According to the DNA Medicine Institutes’ CEO Dr. Ujeen Chan, “Blood’s data is 10 to 100 times more interesting than genomes. Dr Chan’s institute is working on finding diseases like Alzheimer, cancer, sclerosis etc through a testing procedure from just one drop of blood. According to Chan in near future blood test would be the best source to find out about breast cancer than mammograms and also it would give Alzheimer’s primary symptoms early on. If this present ongoing research is successful, then it would be a big breakthrough in the field of medical science. 

Those medical conditions for which surgery or radiation imaging (ct scan, x-ray etc) is required would be done easily through blood tests. So it would be no surprise of blood related diagnostic tests reach the number of 1744 trillion INR by the year 2018. Brigham and women’s hospital declared in June that they have embarked on the discovery of thousands of viruses through viral infection by blood tests. This also throws light on new avenues for blood decoding cancer research. At present cancer tumor’s discovery procedures are simpler prevalent methods of growth on body or scars etc. But by this procedure in most cases the ailment increases so much at later stages that treatment becomes difficult. The new upcoming blood tests would work as liquid biopsies. The tumor’s active genetic pieces come into the blood stream and these can be developed through photo images for studies. This would help doctors to know of any cancerous growth well before hand and would activate the treatment well in time. Though this is not as easy as it sounds as cancerous cells grow through normal cells only so tumor’s DNA is a hard task to be separated from a normal cell.

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