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Monday 31 August 2015

Indian Doctor successfully grafts outer ear of 8 year old American Boy

Elijah will be able to listen after five surgeries in four years - Miracle Surgery

An Indian origin doctor has done a miracle surgery on an American 8-year-old boy Elijah. The outer ear, which was not developed since birth, was grafted through rib cage. 

Elijah Bell from Ohio had this defect by birth wherein his outer ear was not at all developed. This case was challenging, as there was no passage between inner and middle ear. Because of this, he could not hear anything properly. This is called Bilateral Atresia Microtia in scientific term. Dr. Anant Murthi at Akron children hospital at Ohio took up this challenge and started Elijah’s treatment. Dr Murthi is the director of plastic surgery at the hospital. Last month the final round of this surgery was completed. The muscle of his rib cage was taken to graft the outer ear.

According to Elijah’s mother Colin Bell, they are excited to see the changes after the surgery. They never hoped that their child would be able to listen properly. The child has a new life after the surgery. Earlier he had to use hearing aid to listen, as there was no opening anywhere in his ear. 

Dr Murthi adds that they had to perform five surgeries to reach this stage. His treatment started when he was 4 years old. For this, some tissue of his rib cage was taken to make some differentiation between his head and ear. Then some muscle was taken from his thigh cartilage and the outer ear was grafted. Until the last surgery, it was sure that Elijah would be able to listen like normal people. The human body itself wants everything to be normalized. Therefore, the wounds always heal upon the body. This process was used and aided with plastic surgery and was highly successful.
Elijah’s mother adds that he is in love with his ear now. He is studying in second standard and because of this surgery; he will be able to lead a normal life like other kids. 

Indian Doctor Dr. Anant Murthi miracle surgery
Indian Doctor Dr. Anant Murthi miracle surgery

Friday 28 August 2015

Government Employees treatment in Private hospitals

Government Employees have the right to the services of recognized hospitals-

According to high court every government employee has the right for his dependent to undergo treatment at recognized hospitals and doing cost cuts in repayment of bill money to the employee is not correct. The treasury officer cannot reduce the medical bill amount as per his will.

This verdict was given in the case of Indrajit Singh Retired official of PWD, when he could not get his wife Neena Thakkar, principal treated and asked for death wish as she had gone in coma. The court added that the appellant’s wife treatment was done at Fortis hospital and this hospital is a recognized hospital. In such case, the repayment of medical bills to the employee incurred at hospital cannot be denied. The treasury officer has cut the bill amount without any basis, which is wrong on his part. Mr. Indrajit Singh should get the full amount of bills incurred at hospital for his wife’s treatment in repayment. 

Government Employees treatment in Private hospitals
Government Employees treatment in Private hospitals

Wednesday 26 August 2015

health care professional Demand in India

Health jobs demand in India

Health Care Job facts-
200 $ home healthcare industry
22 % growth expecting in next five years
2150000 professionals will be required till 2020 in Pharma Industry
In 2018, India Medical tourism industry will be 36000 Crore 

Health Care Job and facts india
Health Care Job

Again Dengue Growing in Jaipur

Be careful - Again Dengue Growing in Jaipur 

Be careful - Again Dengue Growing in Jaipur
Be careful - Again Dengue Growing in Jaipur 

Friday 21 August 2015

Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital free treatment to BPL

Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital private hospitals fail to provide fee treatment to 25% BPL patients. Private hospitals got concessional land have allegedly failed to abide by the rules and conditions of providing free treatment. This was revealed in a report recently submitted to the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) by the health department.

Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital free treatment to BPL
Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital free treatment to BPL

Thursday 20 August 2015

Red button on sonography machine would save girl child

Red button option now available for family members on form F to clarify the truth.

The sonography machine, which was a killer for the girl child earlier, will now prove to be a savior. The form F has been given a new option of red button on it recently. On pressing this details of people coming for embryo sex test would be delivered to the authorities of medical head office. The control of button would be with the sonography center supervisor. According to National Health Mission’s Additional Director, Dr. Neeraj K Pawan, this facility will keep double check on sonography centers as well as couples who come for embryo test. This option is available for all sonographic centers of the state. 

The form F’s red button option will give the detailed information of the pregnant woman and her family to the medical department. Further, if the same family visits any other sonography center then their information would be provided by SMS to the authorities. This will also give information to the medical department regarding delivery of the woman and the birth of boy or girl respectively. This same message would be forwarded to the additional director of National health mission, Dr. Neeraj K Pawan and the Director Naveen Jain. The information of the couple would be provided to Jaipur head office as well as all zila offices to keep a proper check on activities. 

Sonography Machine Form F Red Button
Sonography Machine Form F Red Button

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Jaipur Doctors with capsule injection tablet and syrup theme

Medical Practitioner society organized antakshari with capsule injection tablet and syrup theme 

Medical Practitioner society
capsule injection tablet and syrup theme 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Ambulance 108 will take the injured to private hospitals

The Rajasthan government has passed regulations that any injured person in any place would be escorted to private hospitals also by 108 facility in state. The drivers of 108-ambulance facility would escort the injured to nearest government or private hospital. The concerned hospital list would be circulated to all 108 drivers in a week. All collectors have been notified for the same. A meeting was organized for the same on Friday in which Mr. Rajendra Rathore, NHM authorities and management of private hospitals discussed this matter in detail.

Three big decisions by Rajasthan government –

Five private hospitals in the list -

Five private hospitals are enlisted for now in this service viz: Sony Manipal, Narayana, Santokba Durlabhji, Mahatma Gandhi, and Fortis hospitals. The private hospitals would have to keep the patient until stable and all the treatment would be free of cost.

List of private hospitals to be mentioned on the ambulance-

All collectors have been notified for the same. All private hospitals that provide emergency services would be mentioned on the 108 ambulance. All collectors will submit this list respectively to the head office in a week. All these hospitals would be listed on 108 ambulances respectively.

Training for safe escort of the injured-

Around 50 police officers would be trained each week on safe practices of helping the injured out of vehicles and escorting them to the ambulance. Highway Dhaba workers, truck drivers and petrol pump workers would also be trained at head office.

Action will be taken against private hospitals if they disagree for treatment-

According to Neeraj K Pawan, Mission Director, NHM, if any private hospital disagrees to admit any injured patient then complaint can be registered to the control room. Action will be taken on the hospital for the same. If any injured does not get treatment then it will be the responsibility of Collector and NHM authorities.

Proper Monitoring-

Mr. Naveen Jain further added, the meeting took place with the medical minister and private hospital management present for the same. All private hospitals are with this mission. The whole process would be monitored closely.

108 Ambulance to Private Hospital
108 Ambulance to Private Hospital 

Monday 10 August 2015

Private Ambulance fare in Jaipur

RTO with traffic police, ambulance union and SMS hospital administration decided to fix ambulance rent.  According to this - 

Minimum Rent - 400 Rs up to 10 KM then 8-10 Rs per KM. 
Big Ambulance Rent - 13 Rs per KM ( after 10 KM) 

ambulance fare rent
Private Ambulance fare in Jaipur

Thursday 6 August 2015

Infant’s skull formed and implanted through 3D printing

Seventeen-hour operation cured the problem of 85% water retention in infant’s brain in China.

Han, from China a 3-year-old child is world’s first kid, who was implanted with 3D printed skull. This one of a kind surgery was performed on Wednesday. Han was suffering from hydrocephalus since she was born. About 85% of her head was filled with water.

According to her grandmother, when Han used to scream in pain then even they used to get terrified for the infant. The disease was diagnosed when she was six months old. Her mother passed away when she turned a year old. The cost of treatment was expected to be 40 to 50 lakhs and they did not have money for it. After the help of relatives and online funding, they could secure the treatment money. 

The surgery

  1. ·       Doctors made blueprints of each part of skull through CT scan.
  2. ·       Titanium skull was manufactured through 3D Printing.
  3. ·       The brain was shifted up from its place and the retained water was removed.
  4. ·       The damaged area was removed and titanium skull was implanted in her head.
  5. ·       The brain was placed back in its place in the skull.

What Next -

As she grows older, the bones in her brain will also grow and cover the titanium skull completely. Adequate space has been left in the skull for proper growth of brain.

3D printing skull
3D printing skull

Tuesday 4 August 2015

First successful heart transplant in Rajasthan

Brain dead man gives new life to four people

Sunday was a big success in the history of medical science in Rajasthan. The first successful heart transplant of Rajasthan was performed in Jaipur. Raju who was declared brain dead gave new life to four people. His heart was transplanted to Surajbhan aged 32. Raju who was a resident of vatika, Badhwali dhani was admitted to Mahatma Gandhi hospital on 31st July night after a road accident. He was declared brain dead on 31 July. His kidneys were donated to two other patients and his liver was sent to Delhi for transplant.

The heart transplant was performed at Mahatma Gandhi hospital. After counseling by Dr Neeraj K Pawan, Web registry, Mahtama Gandhi Hospital, the family members of Raju agreed for organ donation.

Three organs were transplanted in Jaipur. The Liver was sent to Delhi-

Heart Transplant – A team of six doctors performed surgery for six hours and created history. Surajbhan from Hanumangarh had a weak heart. His one valve had been operated earlier. His heart working condition was only 10% and had not more than a month to live. His operation for heart transplant with Raju’s heart commenced at 2 pm, continued for six hours, and was successful.

Kidney Transplant – One kidney was transplanted to Basanti in Mahatma Gandhi hospital and other one was sent to SMS hospital. Dr Vinay Tomar transplanted the kidney to Shakuntala Devi at SMS hospital.

Liver – A green corridor was formed to send the liver to Delhi ASAP. It was sent to ILBS hospital at Delhi and reached at 7.30 pm in 3 hours. It will be transplanted to some patient on Tuesday.

A Big Success - 

·       This is a first instance when a brain dead man has given new lives to four patients in Rajasthan. The number was three previously.

·       Three hospitals including SMS were in full preparation of the transplant in Jaipur. 
    This was the first attempt in heart transplant and was a big success.

heart transplant in Rajasthan
 heart transplant in Rajasthan 

Monday 3 August 2015

Coronary Stent The most useful tool in heart diseases

In most heart diseases, we hear a lot about the use of stent. The artery is opened through stent and there are many types of stents for this purpose.

Stents are used in treatment of heart diseases. They appear like a ball pen spring in shape. They are mostly used to open up the shrunk artery. When the arteries fill with plaque, fat, and cholesterol, they shrink in size and such occurrence comes under coronary heart diseases.

How are stents used?

The stent procedure is similar to angiography. In this, a small incision is made on arm or leg and with stent is directed towards the blocked artery through catheter. The balloon at the tip of catheter inflates the artery and the stent is then positioned inside the closed or shrunk artery. 

The stent is then inflated through an In – deflator. This causes the stent to stick in its place in the artery and the balloon catheter is slides out of the body. This is termed as a coronary or a cardiac stent and this process is known as PCI, PTCA or angioplasty.

Types of Stents-

1.    Balloon Catheter - This is the oldest technique, which was first used in 1970.A very thin tube was used with balloon at its tip called balloon catheter. To remove blockages this balloon catheter was directed in the artery and inflated and then was removed after it. In 1980’s it was seen in about 30% cases the blockages resumed in this procedure. This was termed as POBA or Plain old balloon angioplasty.

2.    Metallic Stents - To remove the recurrence of blockages in the above process doctors came up with metallic stents. These stents were inflated with the balloon and could be placed in the arteries always. In this process, the stent would also inflate and enter in the artery along with the balloon. Still this process also resulted in recurrence of blockage sin 25% cases.

3.    Drug Stents – Then doctors and companies experimented on stents, which had medicines upon them. These were approved by American FDA in 2002.According to clinical trials these were quite successful with recurrence cases in less than 10% of patients. However, these were also not devoid of problems like blood clotting etc.

4.    Bio reversible vascular scaffold (BVS) – This coronary stent first came to India in 2012. BVS absorb is a revolutionary shift in intervention cardiology. This is also a better option than bypass for patients. This gets absorbed in 2 years and there is no permanent implant in the heart. In addition, this does not require the patients to take anti platelet therapy for life.

History of Stent and Angioplasty

1977 – The first Balloon angioplasty was performed by Dr Andres Gunjing.
1994 – First metallic stent presented (without medicine)
2002 – First drug coated stent presented
2012 – First Absorb stent presented

What to consume or avoid in sickness

Food to consume or avoid in sickness

Let us find out the proper diet to follow when sick -

In Heart Diseases – Eat light food on time. Avoid too much oil and spices. Lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits should be consumed.

In Jaundice or Hepatitis – Lots of sour fruits like oranges, lemons and other fruits like Papaya should be consumed. Sugarcane juice can be taken if fresh. Fruits, milk, soups, and water should be consumed in good quantity.

In Diabetes – Consume food that is less starchy with less carbohydrates and sugar. Vegetarian food should be consumed. Avoid oil, spices, milk products, rice, and jiggery.

In Arthritis - Grains, easily soluble pulse, vegetables, and fruits should be consumed.

In Stomach problems – Fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouts and fibrous foods should be consumed. Avoid sugary stuff.

Qualified and Vegetarian Donor in demand for IVF

Such demands of couples increase for wanting of good personality and health in infants.

Designer Baby Trend-

A new trend is on rise with the increasing demands of couples wanting to get pregnant through IVF technique. Varied demands like fair color, well qualified, vegetarian, tall, religious and even matching blood group are seen trending in couples who opt for IVF. According to fertility experts, the main reason behind this is to have a healthy baby with good personality. Even five years back couples demands were only about the donor not suffering from any disease. Now the wish lists have seen a dramatic change. Couples also enquire genetic history of the donor so it is verified beforehand that the child will not suffer from any diseases.

Young Egg Donors in demand-

Nowadays couples are very conscious regarding children. According to Gynecologist Dr Neelam Bapna, “Couples also demand that the donor should be young and the features should match to some extent to one or other out of two. They also want the donor to be well qualified and fair with good height. However all demands cannot be met but still fertility experts try to do so by networking. Egg donors cannot be found easily in Jaipur so these demands are networked through donors of Delhi, Gujrat. The demands for young egg donors have increased as the eggs are healthy, and it results in good health of baby. Donors aged between 30 to 40 are more in demand. In addition, the couples even demand the donor to be of same caste as them.

Good Family Background-

According to Gynecologist Dr. Gunjan Jain, “Lifestyle is very simple in Rajasthan. The focus of couples is on the good family background of donor and their good educational background. They also request for vegetarian donor with good food habits.

Panchkarma in Ayurveda for healthy baby- 

As per Hetal Dave, Ayurvedic Gynecologist, “The planned baby concept has not touched Jaipur yet. The couples who take ayurvedic treatment for infertility are asked to adopt panchkarma. This concept is still prevalent in Gujarat. Under this, couples have to follow a specific diet chart/ Baby is supposed to be healthy, tall, and smart through Panchkarma treatment.